Question : Why doesn't Rajini give a clear answer whether he will enter politics or not?
First of all, don't assume things from his movie dialogues.
Whenever he’s posed with this question in his real life(unlike reel), his answers have always been "No comments", "Everything is in God's hands" or "No one knows what can happen tomorrow". It’s his right to answer this way.
We need to get reminded of the fact that Rajini has been practising spirituality for the vast majority of his life. For such spiritual followers, 'God is everything’, which might be incomprehensible for an outsider.
Further, for example, if someone asks me, “What would you be doing after 5 years?", my answer would be as simple as, “Who knows!?". That’s indeed the actual reality.
Based on Rajini’s utterances, media comes up with their own twisted articles and conduct heated debates to feed their voracious hunger and mint money. Sometimes, even when Rajini doesn't do anything or when a political leader meets him, media rekindles the topic and publishes articles based on it.
In one of the recent incidents, a simple response such as "No comments" from Rajini, was advertised as "First channel to speak exclusively to Rajini - Breaking News”, which is clearly nothing more than deceiving people.
For the general public who are mere spectators to such media gimmicks, they get an image that Rajini is always confused or he never has a clear idea about anything related to politics.
In case if he doesn’t enter politics, what would the media do? They would start questioning him, “The other day, your answer was different, but today you have changed your stand?” For an uncertain event which Rajini isn't sure what’s bound to happen, he surrenders it to the hands of God. It's as simple as that!
Circumstances and situational reality decides everything.

Question 2: When will Rajini come to politics?
Answer: His fan followers are the people who are going to work for him when he enters politics. They themselves are patiently waiting.
As advised by Rajini time and again, every fan is minding his own business and performing their own duties.
Why are others losing their patience? If Rajini is insignificant to them, why does his ‘yes or no' response bother them so much?
When die hard fans like us are patiently waiting for his answer, why do others get agitated?
Until there is an announcement from Rajini himself, people who need him can wait and others can concentrate on their other work.

Question 3 : Okay! Even now, why doesn't he give a clear explanation of his stand in politics?
Answer :
"Let's deal with it, when there's a war", as quoted by Rajini is merely a message to his fan followers(specifically to those subset who wish him to be in politics).
Though this message hints at the possibilities of entering politics, he also added clearly that, "You all have your own duties. Do that and live your life.."
Like all of us, Rajini is also busy with his profession which is his latest movie (Kaalaa). Let him do his work.
Please don't expect an announcement from him every single day. His response would remain the same, if the same questions are asked at him every time.
There is no point in whining that, "Rajini is confusing", " He keeps giving the same answer". He has mentioned that he will respond when the time is right. He will do as he says.

Question 4 : If Rajini is not interested in entering politics right now, why talk about it and stimulate his fan followers?
Answer: What makes it as 'stimulation' ?! ''Let's deal with it, when there's a war", is a synonym of "When the time is right, we will act upon".
On the first day meet-up itself, Rajini clearly addressed those fans who want him to enter politics, "In case I don't, you will get upset...Please take care of your family and career first".
Nobody cared to notice and understand such a clear, practical statement.
Media, as usual, highlighted what suited their needs and sensationalized edited portions that can be easily misinterpreted and prone to ambiguity.

Question 5: There is quite an opposition against Rajini's political entry from some of his fan followers also. What do you comment on that?
Answer : A considerable number of fans do not value politics. They don't want Rajini to get caught and tarnished by this sewage political system. This only reflects the unconditional affection his fans have for him.
Apart from this, some other set of people suddenly claim themselves as "Rajini fans". Usually, they use this tag merely to promote their negative reviews on Rajini movies in social media at the time of movie release. They are adopting the same tactics for their political view propaganda too. This kind of people are not his real fans.
Those who watch his movies on first day-first show doesn't mean that they are his fans.
A true fan, admires him beyond the screens as well. Supports him for any of his decisions and respects him.
Even those who don't like Rajini, call themselves as his fans, so that they can use this entitlement liberally to belittle him. For an outsider, it appears as if fans themselves are criticizing him.
Wearing a fan's mask and using it for negative criticism is much common for most of the stars in cine industry, not just Rajini.
Nowadays, such syndromes have become part of social media.

Question 6: So, as fan followers, they shouldn't have their own political views or opinions?
Answer: Of course fans can have their own political views. Nobody denied about it.
Either they could support Rajini's entry in politics or they could express their concern for him like 'Oh no! No politics please'
Instead, masking as a 'Rajini fan', and spreading negativity & hatred doesn't make them a fan at all.
A true fan would never say anything that could embarrass his idol. If he does, then he's not a true fan in the first place.
Discussing constructive & alternate perspectives with friends whereas condemning indecently in public view are two different things altogether.
The moment Rajini said, "Those who dream of minting money in politics, dare not to near me", a few people got shocked/angry and started giving interviews expressing their disappointment.
It proved good to identify and weed out such black sheeps now itself.
Rajini always respects the opinions of his true fans.
Those who listened his latest speech would very well recognize that, he has been carefully watching all sorts of news/opinions shared on national media to social media.

Why does Rajini deliver dialogues with political content and keeps creating a sensation ?
Rajini is a huge "brand".
Upon getting his call sheet, be it any director or producer, they would like to leverage this "brand", beyond the actual story & screenplay.
They will purposely embed a few politics-coated dialogues, keeping his "brand-value" in mind.
One such dialogue is, "Nobody knows when or how I will come, but I will come when the time is right"
Fans would expect such dialogues only. Delivering such a dialogue, would get thunderous applause. It's definitely not provocation.
Even in that case, he's been consistently telling the same in real life and reel life in each of its respective context.
For example, in the "Kuluvaliley" song from "Muthu" movie, there would be a line meaning, "What's the need of a 'party' for us? It's in the hands of time".
Isn't he telling the same always ?
Ramesh Kanna who was an important member in the directors crew shared about the same in his recent interview. He's the one who wrote this dialogue.
When he suggested to have a similar dialogue in Kochadaiiyaan, Rajini objected strongly and refused it.
Further, Rajini has mentioned, "I have had enough with your Muthu dialogue itself".
In his recent movies, he has been totally avoiding such political dialogues.

Politics is the dirty game. Rajini doesn't suit there. Why should he enter there and tarnish his image ?
Well, this question makes sense given the fact that Thalaivar's characteristic trait is to embrace anyone and everyone.
Current political scenario is worse than you can ever imagine.
Even if he embraces everyone, there's a lot of people opposing him with full of hatred. However, if he decides to choose politics to do good to Tamilnadu people who bestowed his stardom and if that's the God's wish itself, then it will happen for sure.
Politics may be a sewage system. But someone has to come up to clean it up. If he decides to get his hands dirty, then why not?
A change ought to be initiated by someone, some way, somewhere. Let it be Rajini !

Question: Cinema and Politics are two different things. He can be a Superstar in cinema, but with that, is it possible to emerge victorious in politics ?
This is the land where even Kamarajar got defeated. During those days, except for newspapers, radio and cinema, there were no other media or internet.
Hence, it had been possible to establish a strong foothold & succeed in politics by cashing in on the image built by cinema. But today? Social media has the power to boost or damage the image of any person.
Beyond all that, time holds the victory of anyone. There are people waiting to degrade Rajini for no reason.
When Baba movie failed, people termed that as the end of Rajini. Also, no one could have imagined the amount of criticisms and mockery during Lingaa movie. The same media celebrated Kabali even before its release. Rest is history, where Kabali set new Box office records!
Again, we are not saying politics could be approached similarly. We do know that it's a different ball game.
He has been a "force" in politics since 1995-96. Are there any politicians left who don't meet him during elections? Though he's not in politics, politics is not without him. The pressure he's having now is no different than he had then.

Question: Unlike cinema, in real life politics, Rajini can't change the country for good in a single song..
Are we living in the 1950's to still believe that someone can change the country in a single song?!
We do know that politics is not a child's play. Strenuous field work, tireless hard-work, restless journeys and hateful rivals.
All these are challenging indeed. He knows very well that he can't directly reach CM throne without confronting all these.
It's indeed the very reason for not taking any hasty decisions so far.
There are people who criticised about his slower decision making ability and made a sudden plunge into politics themselves. What's their current plight now ?
Not just fans, even commoners believe that Rajini's entry in politics will prove good.
As most of the alternate perspectives proclaimed by today's politicians end up as mere political gimmicks, people are not trusting anyone nowadays.
But, as people believe that Rajini can at least attempt in bringing this change, it has paved way for multiple debates.
He will put his best efforts into this. Let's believe that the ruined political system will change for the better.
Instead, before even something happens, judging and predicting that, "This won't go well", "This can't be done", is similar to referring an unborn child as 'handicapped'.

If Rajini comes to politics, what kind of politics can be expected ?
Today, ruling party and opposition party never take a collective decision after joint discussions. Hitting each other and tearing each other's clothes is the scene we have been witnessing continuously.
People become awestruck if members of different parties do a friendly conversation or smile at each other. If such a rare event occurs, it even happens to be the media headlines.
This itself is a clear indicator of the degraded political scenario in our country. Rajini's entry will change this situation for sure.
It's indeed time for our politicians to realize the power of inclusive politics who have been indulged in divisive politics only all these while.
Rajini's smiling approach in dealing his critics will seed such a change. For instance, his recent appreciation praising the individual skills of his strong critics like Anbumani and Seeman, is indeed remarkable. We can firmly believe that he will not make any indecent comments against other party members.
We can definitely expect genuine politics where important decisions are taken after deep discussion with leaders of other parties, handling state issues jointly as a team, etc.
In short, TN politics will be exemplary for other states.

There's a high wave opposition in social media for Rajini's entry in politics?
When severe flood ravaged Chennai, social media was filled with opposing sentiments against the ruling party.
However, despite that, didn't the late Chief minister Jayalalitha won with huge margin?!
Facebook memes & opinions do not represent the collective opinion of majority and hence should be "taken with a pinch of salt".
90% of the political parties directly oppose Rajini's political entry whereas the rest of them oppose indirectly.
In the past, a satellite channel is sufficient to spread hatred and rumours against other party leaders and thereby seek political gain, if not for their own political propaganda.
But today, just a Facebook page and Twitter account is enough to accomplish the same much easily. This need not even be done directly - Pages with higher "Likes" have higher influence.
Majority of today's Facebook pages function with the support of either a major political party or a caste.
Further, few other pages function as Fan pages of other actors and spread such rumors. If they spread any defamatory opinion against any person, it easily reaches millions.
Pages with millions of "Likes" are easily targeted and funded by political parties to spread defamatory posts. Such conspiracies have become very common nowadays. Hence, we need not give so much importance to these stuffs.
Further, similar to the way news media increases TRP/Hits gain by using Rajini's name, FB pages gather attention from masses by posting memes related to Rajini.
When Rajini gave his first day speech to fans, several people made fun of it by posting various memes. But once he explained his stand clearly on the last day, the impact of such memes became minimal.
Further, those who realized that their playful acts were utilized favorably by others, withdrew themselves.
Most of them were criticizing merely because of the unknown stand of Rajini. Nothing wrong in that.
Once Rajini makes an official entry to politics and clarifies about his ideology, plans & proposals, those who oppose will understand and change their notions.

After creating this much hype, what if he doesn't come to politics?
This hype was created by media.
The number of news media in Tamilnadu alone is just astonishing. All of them have taken this topic so aggressively and started debating about that. To conduct these debates, they need someone to support and someone to oppose. They are spending so much efforts in searching suitable personalities for such talk shows.
For that very reason, they are inviting some unknown "letter-pad" parties. Thereby, such parties get an advertisement for themselves.
So, media is solely responsible for this prevailing situation. They consider Rajini as a means for both living and blaming.
We were much happy and felt fulfilled with his very recuperation from illness with the grace of God. Following a brief rest, he gave a come back to movies. That itself is an unexpected gift to us.
If he doesn't come to politics, there will be a wave of disappointment and upset among a set of common people who believe that Rajini can bring a change to Tamilnadu. Similarly, we fans too will have our share of such emotions.
This is reality and can't be ignored.
Beyond all these, his health and well being is of utmost importance to us. We fans, wish him to live cheerfully with good health and longevity. This is our heartfelt desire without any stint of doubt.
- by Rajinifans Team