It was March 1996, Super Star was keeping contact with all the
important opposition leader of Tamil
Nadu. Once the T.M.C- D.M.K alliance was getting final touch, he
asked the alliance leaders to include
Vaiko & Vazhappadi Ramamoorthy also.
Unfortunately, they couldn't do it. Vazhappadi also didn't make any
comment against Super Star during
1996 election. Apart from his comment, "Rajni confuses the tamil
people", "Rajni's words never work once
again", he is basically a decent politician.
Being a congressmen, he could be a well-wisher of Industrial
workers. Whoever be the ruling party, he
never failed to attack the "tamil terrorism" in Tamil Nadu. He was
a strong opponent of E.L.T.T.E till his
last minute.
Let us pay our homage to Vazhappadi Ramamoorthy...