Superstar turning
into an actor

After getting a job as bus conductor, Rajinikanth
started to acted in stage dramas. Later, he slowly
started to think of acting in films. This part
explains that story.
Rajini & his cinema
If Rajini in cinema hall, for a film, he has never
used a queue for getting tickets. Just a few jumps
would lead him to the counter. No one in the queue
dared to question Rajini for his “jumps”, because
Rajini was “famous icon” in his area.
Ready for anything
Once, MGR’s ‘Nadodi Mannan’ was released in his
area. His friends were getting ready for film. But,
Rajini had no money for ticket. After, a thought for
few moments, he left for his house.
Then, he was at a local pawn shop, with one of the
silver glasses from his house. He got Rs.5/- for
that, and then he happily left for film with his
Bus Conductor
In this period, an offer came to Rajini through his
family friend, to join as a bus conductor in KSRTC
(Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation). Rajini
was very happy like he got an IAS posting.
He worked in the bus route no.134, which was from
Sivaji Nagar to Samrajpet. A women’s college,
‘Maharani College’, was in his route. No one getting
inside bus can believe that he was working as a
conductor. His dressing used to make them surprised.
He used to issue tickets in very stylish manner. His
every act inside the bus was very stylish & everyone
traveling in that route admired his style.
For young teen girls & women college students
traveling in the route, Rajini was a ‘special
Superstar & Dramas
One day, when he was returning from his work, he
heard a voice of woman screaming for help, at one
place. The voice was coming from other side of a big
wall. Rajini immediately jumped over the wall, and
he saw a young woman shouting & a man standing with
a knife in front of her. Seeing this, Rajini was
getting ready for a fight with that man, with a big
shout. Then, there came a man to Rajini asking him
not to create any confusion. Then, Rajini realized
that was a drama rehearsal. There was a lot of fun
happening there then.
“This incident turned out my interest to stage
dramas. I started to get involved in making &
organizing stage dramas”, said Rajini, later.
Rajini as Sivaji
(not Shankar’s Sivaji)
Rajini formed a group with his friends, to create
stage dramas. His first drama was, “Jwala” (flames
of fire). It was about the Great Marathi King
Chhatrapathi Sivaji. Rajini acted as Sivaji. He was
following Sivaji Ganesan in his acting.
One of the scene for Rajini was to carry the
fire-torch & to give a brave, emotional speech as
Marathi King Sivaji. Due to the excellent
performance of Superstar, the crowd started to give
a big applause. Rajini was greatly encouraged by
this & he acted very emotionally, lifting that
fire-torch. Suddenly, the stage roof got fire
because of the fire-torch. The crowd started to
shout & run away seeing the fire. Rajini returned to
the present world only after their shouting.
Rajini as Dhuriyodhana
Superstar continued to conduct stage dramas and used
to act in lead roles. Once, he was acting as
Dhuriyodhana (a lead negative character in the epic,
Mahabharata), in a drama, ‘Gurukshetra’. He was
greeted with great response from the audience for
his acting.
One of the Transport Officer, who was the chief
guest for that show, greeted Rajini in the stage. He
said, “Our Sivaji Rao(Rajinikanth) acted very well
in this play. He is very well qualified to act in
films. It’s not going to be a surprise, if he
becomes a big actor one day.” These words encouraged
Rajini in a big manner. He continued to conduct
dramas & his friends, colleagues praised his acting.
But, Rajini’s father was not happy with this. He
continued him to advice to study in evening college
and to join Police Dept.

But, day by day, Superstar’s desire of acting in
films was only developing. Even, some people make
fun of his desire with his black skin, he just
ignored that. He had a strong hold on his aim.
He was discussing about his aim with his close
friend Putraj and his friend encouraged him, saying
Rajini’s style will be very helpful for becoming a
big star in Cinema industry.
Rajini was looking for a good opportunity for
leaving his conductor job and to enter into cinema.
And it came unexpected.
>>> Part