About Us 
Rajinifans.com is dedicated to the fans of Super Star Rajinikanth. It is definitely a first & largest E-Fans association for a South Indian Actor who made an impact in Tamil Nadu politics also. This website is the first site meant for a leader from Tamil Nadu.
Who We are ?
We are the ardent followers of only "Beacon" to the Tamil Nadu People at this rotten, agonised time to get them out of the hell they are going through at the hands of politicians for the past 50 years. We follow his footsteps for simplicity, generosity, style and glamour. We took pride in all his achievements and convinced ourselves that none Other than SUPER STAR shall guide us to the better future. It would be of no good just to garland ourselves as his ardent followers unless otherwise we do something good to the society. So, we are here following his footsteps and doing good to the society and the nation, which had given us immense freedom and opportunities to grow to this extent in our lives. As the saying goes "Like the spring the start of everything is small" we have started today as spring hoping to be a river soon. With the blessings of thousands of good hearts around this universe and also with the wishes of our "SUPER STAR", we believe we would reach our destination with charm.
What We Do ?
We intend do lot a of non-profitable social works which will ultimately benefit the society. We have engaged ourselves in numerous social activities and contributed generously as listed in our site. As our National Poet Bharathi rightly said "More than building thousand of charities, thousand of temples it would of great use if you build only one school" and our long term plan is to do the same. We will give priority to only those people who have abundant interest in studies, but due to their economic situations did not able to make it. Because we strongly believe EDUCATION is the only source of light to all those people who are being played as PAWNS in the hands of corrupted power centres.
What we need from you?
A PAT ON THE BACK from you would ultimately boost our morale and at the same time as we are an NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION and all the money for the charity work we do comes out of our own pocket, we would be very very much grateful if you could contribute no matter how small it is to us in order to make this HEART BEATING. We place on record our sincere appreciation for all the contributions made by innumerable fans like you. We believe in the following slogan "True Love begins where there is nothing expected in return".
Projects Supported by www.rajinifans.com
If you feel that there is genuine case that needs help and assistance, please let us know. We will try and do our best to provide our helping hand.