Western Countries - Sivaji Movie FDFS Celebrations

It was an interesting experiecne for us. Sivaji has created a new history here. We don have any words to describe the movie.
I'm reporting from BASEL It's a swiss and germany border. Here there are lot of tamil families are there. Everybody has come to watch the movie. For the first time, in germany it has created history with max theaters released. Here are the list of theatres released.
The places where the screenings will be there are(Germany): Rheine, Frankfurt, M.Gladbach , M, Dortmund , Essen, M, Osnabruck, Bremen , DHerne, Wuppertal, Karlsruhe, Hannover, Stuttgart, Heilbronn, Bonn , Bielefeld, Hamburg , Saarbr? Berlin and Ng.
14.06 (Do.) - Rheine, Frankfurt , M.Gladbach , Dortmund (3 shows)
15.06 (Fr.) - Essen, M, Osnabruck, Bremen (3 shows)
16.06 (Sa.) - M, DEssen, Dortmund, Wuppertal, Hannover (2 shows same day), Bielefeld (2 shows same day), Hamburg (2 shows same day)
17.06 (So.) - Bremen, Herne (2 shows same day), Karlsruhe, Frankfurt, Stuttgart , Heibronn, M.Gladbach, Bonn
18.06 (Mo.) - Saarbr(2 shows same day), Berlin
24.06 (So.) - Ng(2 shows)


United Kingdom (UK)