‘youthful’ life

At his young age, superstar was very mischievous &
was having some bad practices/habits. He was an
alcoholic & was chasing women with his friends,
enjoying the fun.
His father’s desire was to give higher studies to
superstar and make him a police officer, as usual a
father’s desire. But, Rajini was in the other way.
He liked to simply roam around with his friends.
‘Murattukalai’ in real life
There are so many factors here, to lead a youth in
wrong way, in life. Mostly, it will appear because
of the energy of that age & friends.
Even, our father of nation, Mahatma Gandhi had
experienced that. He had written that in ‘Sathiya
Sodhanai’, his autobiography. “My friend advised me
that I can become a strong man, if I eat
non-vegetarian. So, I started to eat that. Later, I
realized it was totally wrong, so, I wrote a letter
to my father, explaining my mistakes and requested
him to forgive me. After reading that, my father
burst into tears. All my sins washed away, in his
Those mistakes happened in our superstar’s life too.
He used to draw moustache on his face using mascara,
at his adolescent age in eager to show himself as a
youth. He was a smoker too.
Later, he had written everything about this, in
various articles without any hesitation.
one of the articles, he has written like this. “I
was an over-matured guy, in my adolescent age. I
knew about sex, at that age. Usually, my friends
were elder than my age at that time. They used to go
to prostitutes’ house, after having some drinks. I
would accompany them, till the doorstep.
Also, I was beaten very worst, for my mistakes.
Then, when I joined Ramakrishna Mission, at my age
of 16, all my arrogance came into control. Slowly,
when I concentrated in prayers & ‘pranayama’, my
behavior started to change.
But, after my S.S.L.C (school final) again I started
behave arrogant due to my new elderly friends. It
was not just arrogance, but I want to turn everyone
to my side. I was ready to do anything for that. I
would bet for anything, to come over others, For
example, if my friends have one glass of alcohol, I
will bet to take six glasses to win over them.”

In hands of Police
One day when Rajinikanth was teasing a girl, she
complained to Police & they arrested him with his
friends. Later, the Police came to know Rajini is
the son of Ramoji Rao, the head constable, (who also
received a govt. award for his excellence service
for the dept) they released him and dropped in his
His elder brother Sathyanarayana became very angry
knowing this incident, and Rajini was beaten very
worst by him.
He was fearless
Superstar was fearless at his young age. When he
was in his sixth standard, there was a rumor going
around in his school, that there is a dangerous old
saint in the nearby jungle. But, Rajini never
believed that & he used to make fun of others who
believed & feared for that.
So, his friends challenged him to go into the jungle
alone, to meet that old saint. He accepted the
challenge and went very deep inside the jungle. He
cannot find that saint. He was at middle of the
jungle & he was very alone there. Slowly, fear
started to rise in his heart. Suddenly, there was
a welcoming voice. When he turned to that direction
of voice, he saw an old saint, of age 60 or 70
standing there. He called Rajini, “Come here, my
Rajini went near him and that saint taught some
mantras to Rajini and asked him to repeat those.
Rajini followed that. (Thalaivar’s spiritual life
started here?)

Then, the saint asked him to go back
& to come again the next day. Here, outside the
jungle Rajini’s friends feared as it was getting
late. Suddenly, they saw Rajini. He came out
running, and shouted, “I saw him.”
His friends can’t believe that. Then, Rajini
explained the whole incident. All his friends were
surprised & applauded him for his braveness.
The next day Rajini visited the saint again, and
this happened for few more days. The saint taught
Yoga and more mantras to Rajini. Then he blessed
Rajini, “You will become big in future.”
>>> Part 3