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Petta 50th day celebrations by Superstar Rajinikanth with Petta team
(Sunday, 3rd March 2019)

While Petta achieved box office success, it had not wholly managed to impress critics, who had only lauded the movie as a throwback to Rajinikanth's glory days.

The celebrations have not stopped for the team of Rajinikanth starrer Petta. The entire cast and crew of the film, which hit theaters on January 10, had a gala time celebrating the success of the movie.

Sun Pictures, which bankrolled the action-drama, recently shared a few pictures from the celebrations on its Twitter handle. In the photos, Rajinikanth is seen cutting a big chocolate cake. In another set of photos, the Superstar is seen feeding slices to music composer Anirudh Ravichander and filmmaker Karthik Subbaraj.

The photos were tweeted with a caption that read, “#Petta50thDayCelebration.”

While Petta achieved box office success, it had not wholly managed to impress critics, who had only lauded the movie as a throwback to Rajinikanth’s glory days.’s film critic S Subhakeerthana had given the movie three stars and written in her review, “Petta works like a dose of nostalgia. After many years, you see Y Gee Mahendra (once a regular in Rajinikanth films) again teaming up with the actor (though they have no scenes together), besides Chinni Jayanth and director J Mahendran. I wish there were combination scenes for each of them with the Superstar.”

























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