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2.0 movie exclusive exhibition in Chennai attract visitors
(Wednesday, 27th February 2019)

2.0 - the most expensive film ever made in Indian cinema starring south mega star Rajinikanth and Bollywood superstar Akshay Kumar is nearing 50 days of successful screening across the globe. Made at the cost of approximately Rs 500 crore, the movie which is loaded with advanced VFX and extensive visual effects, is a spectacle which was appreciated by critics and fans alike. And it seems that for the makers of the film, their investment didn’t go awry considering the movie has already broken most box-office records in India cinema. 2.0 box office collection has already grossed more than Rs 800 crores.

Meanwhile, on the eve of Pongal festival, a special exhibition was arranged by Tamil Nadu government in Chennai ISLAND grounds. An exclusive hall is arranged by the makers of the film wherein the original statues, mannequins, costumes, masks, Robots and prosthetics used in the movie are kept. Super star Rajinikanth played three roles. One as Vaseekaran - a scientist who creates a sophisticated robot,  Chitti - an advanced andro humanoid robot, a fictional character and the primary protagonist and Kutti a micro robot and version 3.0 which was a major attraction for kids.

2.0 movie costumes were designed by 'Batman Returns' fame Mary E.Vogt. She was a part of many Hollywood movies and 2.0 is her third collaboration with Shankar. 

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