24 Comment(s) | Views: 17655 |
aanand,india Tuesday, 23rd December 2008 at 00:52:51
hello sir how r u iam u r fan i like u r all movie all the best sulthan the warrioer
iam aanandfrom maduraifrom east
SL BOY,Sri Lanka Monday, 22nd December 2008 at 09:12:47
Ohhh My GOD.............
is this RAJINI ??????????????
is this 2008 ??????????????
What a STAR..
mursith,qatar Sunday, 21st December 2008 at 05:16:42
i have seen ur all film
i'm only fans to u
i'm expect ur new film
it will be veeeeeeeeeerrrrrryyy vvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeryy goooooood. i hope
Krishnan,Malaysia Saturday, 20th December 2008 at 05:56:54
I disagree that the bearded picture looks like Baasha. To me, the picture-1 resembles thalaivar' s Manithan get up (View rajini fans.com gallery of the film manithan-one picture is with beard. Either way, Thalaivar looks great, and I can t wait for "Enthiran-the robot" on screen
venkat,india/bangalore Saturday, 20th December 2008 at 03:55:56
known is drop unknown is ocean ,had said by our thalaivar earlier,now we are recognising that Whatever ashu is beautiful,infornt thalaivar.It is nothing,
mosesarockiam,dindigul-tamilnadu Friday, 19th December 2008 at 08:21:19
editor sir, thalaivar stillsla ennoda systamey athiruthu.
Ashish,India,Bangalore Friday, 19th December 2008 at 05:27:14
rahman,london Friday, 19th December 2008 at 00:57:20
talaivaaaaaaaaa...........dishti sutti podanum.
Ananth Raj,Seremban,Malaysia Friday, 19th December 2008 at 00:42:31
woow! woow! woow! what a young star..its really super....superstar is always 28 years old...
K.Thulasirajan,india/thanjavur Friday, 19th December 2008 at 00:20:51
thalaivar stylea thani, summa athiruthula!!!!!
agilan,malaysia Thursday, 18th December 2008 at 23:33:51
Rajini sir...........wow! In the 1'st photo u look so handsome, smart, macho...........etc! No words to describe bout u........love u lotz! Can't wait for ur 2010's ROBO.........u surely gona rock in the muvee! THatz for sure........
gautamibalu,malaysia Thursday, 18th December 2008 at 23:33:03
u are really a super man,may gad bless you
Rajendrakumar.A,Singapore Thursday, 18th December 2008 at 19:22:10
He is Incomparable
He is really awesome
He is Simply Elegant
He is forever blessed by "God Elephant"
Baskar,Bangalore,India Thursday, 18th December 2008 at 17:19:53
Thalaivaa super thalaivaa.....
Mallikarjun,Secunderabad, (Andhra Pradesh), India Thursday, 18th December 2008 at 16:11:14
(S3 R2)
(S*S*S) (R*R)
(Scientific* Super* Star) (Robot* Rajn)
Ayyangaran's Solution =
Scientific Super Star Robot Rajni gives us Shankar's Creation..........
Thank you sir for making a beautiful role model
I LOVE YOU SIR.....................
t.subramaniam,india Thursday, 18th December 2008 at 12:26:52
iam happy abt endhiran...but much much angry about a little obnoxious weed in tamil cinema...who delivers a dailogue against thalivar who is doing around 9th film....he says in his film.."thumare naam bolthey tho kashmir sey kanyakumari thak kilgaey..par tamil ke nam bolo pura thuniya hila thengey"it means directly saying that nee sonna kashmirla irunthau kanyakumari varaikum athirum,tamilnu sonna ulamae athirum"this poison was spread by simbu against thalaivar......in his flop movie..silambatttam...every audience shouted at bad names over simbu..but pls sanganatha,ramki sir...make any clarification form simbu..r he shd ask sorry....iam not all digesting........
Boss,India Thursday, 18th December 2008 at 11:20:23
ENGAL THALAIVAR MATUM DHAAAAAN.....Thala the first photo resembles Baasha looks.U really rock.You are the only star who will have stylish and youth look always :)
venkatesh,unitedstates somerset Thursday, 18th December 2008 at 10:45:48
watch his eyes in the first photo. The power he generates is amazing
God bless him with good health
fajil.dubai,dubai.uae Thursday, 18th December 2008 at 07:25:43
nee nadanthal nadai azhagu THALAIVA NEE VAAALGA PALLANDU
jaychandran,kuala lumpur, Malaysia Thursday, 18th December 2008 at 06:39:29
super star u look DAMN COOL !!! Thalaiva LOVE U