The only Indian film so far which has been able to cross 100 days of successful running in USA is Rajini’s Shivaji .Shivaji, the utmost budget film in the history of Indian cinema was released in nearly 40 countries worldwide with more than 800 prints. The Tamil version of Shivaji was released in 44 centers in US and Canada and witnessed historical collections. In the UK, Shivaji is the first Tamil film which got a place in the UK top -10 movie chart, and has also set a new collection record. Now the film is celebrating its 100th day across the globe. In Canada, Shivaji was initially screened in 6 theaters and it is still running in Scarborough. Apart from Scarborough, there are 5 more theaters screening Shivaji as a regular show during the weekends. It is a very strange experience for the residents of Toronto to see a Tamil film running for 100 days continuously.
According to Ayngaran International, the worldwide distributors of Shivaji, the film is still running in 12 screens in Srilanka, drawing a good number of people. In Singapore, the film is celebrating 100 days in 2 screens. The film has celebrated 100 days in 90 theaters in Tamil Nadu. The film crossed 100 days in 10 theaters in Chennai and 13 theatres in sub-urbs. Shivaji is still running in 3 theatres in Bangalore and in one theatre in Mysore. ARORA theatre in Mumbai as also celebrated the 100 th day.