office Flash 9 - Netthiyadi from Times of India - All
India Edition
Date : 01/07/07
Just look at the below
article which has come in today's Times of India
in all editions throughout the country. And also don't
fail to notice
the scanned images of the paper which i have uploaded in
the following
link below. You must note that in the second link, The
success saga of
Sivaji is carried in header itself of the paper. A
Record for an
regional film and salute to the Boss and Ultimate Superstar -
Sivaji and Spiderman - the only winners so far - Times
of India -Article scanning
Look the header of Times of India main page here
I hereby thanks our member Balamurugan from Surat who
informed me the
And in the below article dont forget to look at the
underlined sentences
and that is enough.