Box office Flash 4 : What
theatre owners say across India about the Boxoffice!
Date : 24/06/07
spell bounding and couldn't breath for minutes after
reading this article. Actually we were planning to post
this at the end of the day. But couldn't resist and we
are doing this amidst our tight schedule.
Just click this link to know the response of boss and
range of audiences all 0ver India. This is brought to u
by Screen Weekly.
A sample line from the article:
A gentleman who asked permission to whistle
//There were people from
every socio-economic strata, he marvels. He recalls one
particular respectable-looking gentleman approaching him
after a show with the query of whether they had cut the
three-hour extravaganza replete with Rajni mannerisms.
After Saxena assured him that they had not left out a
single frame he nodded approvingly, "Please don't do so
under any circumstances, otherwise I'd be very
disappointed." He then gravely asked for permission to
whistle in the auditorium.//
Stay tuned